Manajemen Pemasaran Perhotelan

Manajemen Pemasaran adalah hal yang penting dan harus diketahui oleh setiap pimpinan perusahaan ataupun manager. Menurut penelitian, diketahui bahwa rata-rata orang yang menduduki jabatan pimpinan atau manajer pernah menjadi seorang pemasar atau salesman. demikian juga dengan perusahaan penyedia jasa yaitu Hotel. Hidup matinya perusahaan sangat tergantung dari bagaimana departemen sales nad marketing berusahan untuk mendatangkan tamu ke hotel untuk menginap dan menghabiskan waktunya selama mereka liburan. Tidaklah mengherankan jika uang yang diperoleh oleh karyawan dibagian sales and marketing sangatlah besar. Untuk itulah tantangan dibidang pemasaran sangatlah berat. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana tantangan dan seluk beluk mengenai pemasaran dibidang perhotelan, berikut ini saya jelaskan dibawah ini.
Apa itu Pemasaran Perhotelan,
Mengapa kita perlu mendalami Pemasaran Perhotelan,
Service Marketing,
Perilaku Konsumen/Customer Behaviour,
Beda Produk dan Jasa,
Penelitian Pemasaran Perhotelan,

Segmentasi Pasar Konsumen Hotel,
Lingkungan Pemasaran Perhotelan,
Bauran Pemasaran Perhotelan/Jasa,
Strategi Produk/Jasa Perhotelan,
Strategi Promosi and Education,
Strategi Harga
Strategi Place/Service Delivery Channel,
Strategi Pemasaran Globa,
Relationship Management and Customer Loyalty

Why Hospitality Marketing Important?

As a manager, you will need to become familiar with marketing. Today, the customer is king. Satisfying the customer is a top priority in most businesses. Managers must realize that the cannot satisfy all customers, they have to choose their customers carefully. Managers must understand, to compete effectively for their chosen customers, manager must create a marketing mix that gives their target markets more value than their competitor's marketing mix. Marketing is a part of everyone job, from the receptionist to the board of directors. The task of marketing is never to fool the customer or endanger the company's image. Marketing task is to design a product service combination that provides real value to targeted customers, motivate them to purchase, and fulfill the real consumer needs.Marketing more than any other business, deal with customer. Creating customer value and satisfaction are at the hearth of hospitality industry marketing. Many factors contribute to making a business successful. The company must strongly customer focused and cantered. For instant, Accor Hotel has become one of the world's largest hotel chain by delivering L'espirit Accor, the ability to anticipate and meet the needs of their guests, with genuine attention to detail. And another example, Ritz Carlton Hotel promise and delivery truly "Memorable Experience" for its guests. And then Mc Donalds grew by providing its guests with QSCV (Quality, Service, Cleanliness, and Value).These are successful hospitality companies know that if they take care of their customers, market share and profit will follow.How about you as a manager?

The purpose of business is to create and maintain satisfied, profitable customers. Customer are attracted and retained when their needs are met. Not only do they return to the same cruise line, hotel, rental car and restaurant, but they also talk favourable to others about their satisfaction. Customer satisfaction leading to profit is the central goal of hospitality marketing.
What about profit?
Hospitality managers sometimes act as if today's profits are primary and customer satisfaction is secondary. This attitude eventually sinks a firm as it finds fewer repeat customers and faces increasingly negative word of mouth. Successful managers understand that profits are best seen as the result of running a business well rather than as its sole purpose. When a business satisfies the customers, the customers will pay fair price for the product or service. A fair price includes a profit for the company. Managers who forever try to maximize short run profits are short selling both the customer and the company.

Manajemen Pemasaran

Manajemen Pemasaran masih merupakan topik yang hangat dan kebanyakan pemikiran pemasaran berfokus pada melakukan penjualan karena tanpa adanya penjualan atau pertukaran, pemasaran perusahaan dianggap GAGAL. Pada era milenium saat ini, banyak penghadapi sejumlah keputusan yang berat. Untuk itulah diperlukan sebuah pemikiran dalam menghadapi keputusan yang berat tersebut.Bahan kuliah Manajemen Pemasaran bisa didownload dan saya sediakan per modul bahasan.
Apa itu Manajemen Pemasaran,
Marketing Research,
Marketing Environment,
Market Segmentation,
Marketing Strategy,
Marketing Communication,
Customer Buyer Behavior,
Place/Distribution Channel,
Global Distribution Channel,
Produk Life Cycle (PLC).